Friday, December 6, 2013

3 Things I Learned From No-Shave November

I recently participated in my first No-Shave November.  It was a good, fun experience for me.  Here are 3 things I learned...

1. Don't take yourself to seriously. - I sometimes have an issue with this.  As someone who desires to be the best and strives for excellence in all areas I don't like looking a little scruffy while at work.  Being a young leader I try to be and look as professional as possible.  As it turns out, "letting my hair down" (or should I say grow) didn't make me less professional or productive.  And as far as I know, I was still respected by those I work for and with.

Perhaps I should relax and be myself a little more often.

2. Honesty is fleeting. - In the month or so of not shaving, I was ridiculed by dozens of high school students every day.  Here are a few typical comments: "You need to shave that Mr. Bradley." "You don't look good with a beard." "Why would you do that?"

When I shaved it down into a moustache in December those comments turned into: "November is over!" "Now you just look creepy."  "Nice pedophile stache." "You look like a Mexican Jack Sparrow." and perhaps my favorite "No.  Just No."

Very few adults made comments.  They might have asked if I was participating in No Shave November or if I was putting on my winter coat but the vast majority kept their comments or opinions to themselves....unless their comments were nice.  Perhaps as adults we have finally learned what our parents taught us "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I began to realize that as we get older or possibly more mature, we aren't as honest.  Not that we lie, we just sugar coat things.  Kids always say whats on their mind, sometimes to a fault.  But I think we hold back what is on our mind, sometimes to a fault.  The truth can be offensive and can hurt feelings but sometimes the truth is exactly what we need to hear.  I think this is why we are so drawn to people like Simon from American Idol/X Factor.

While still being tactful, perhaps I should be more honest and straightforward with people.

3. Change eventually grows on you. - I think the max I have gone without shaving is 2 weeks and that was probably just once over Christmas break.  So seeing myself in the mirror with a beard is not normal.  However, after  while seeing myself with a beard became normal.  Then after a month when I shaved it off it looked kinda weird.  After 30 years of my life without a beard, it only took 30 days to change "normal".

Change is possible.  It might be uncomfortable or "itchy" at first but it eventually grows on you. :)

1 comment:

  1. In step number one, you were supposed to use "too" not "to"..


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