Sunday, June 6, 2010

Be Debt Free

Are you in debt?  If so you're not alone.  Most American's are these days.  It is very easy to fall into debt with society and the media indirectly encouraging it.  It's sad to say but to be living with debt is to be normal.  But as you know, debt can sometimes be too heavy to carry.

I'm not sure how much you owe but how would you feel if someone wanted to pay off all of your debts?  No tricks or gimmicks.  All you had to do was ask them to write the check and they would pay everything that you owe.  Would you do it?  I mean this would change your life forever!

Think about what it would be like to not have to worry about debt?  Your sleep, relationships, and health would all improve as your stress dropped.  All feelings of guilt would be gone.  Without debt you could experience total freedom!

That's assuming you would even ask.  Would you?  You wouldn't have to pay it back. I know you might want to but it would be unnecessary.  No, you can't ask them to pay for half the debt.  It doesn't work that way.  It's all or nothing.

I know it feels weird because you didn't do anything to earn it.  But if you could get out of debt on your own then you probably would have already.  This is a gift.  The amount doesn't matter as there is no such thing as too little or too much debtDebt is debt.  All you have to do is ask and your debt will be washed away! 

Sin is often referred to as debt in the bible.  Read it again but change the word DEBT to the word SIN.

HE paid a debt He did not owe.  I owed a debt I could not pay.
Simply ask and be debt free.


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