Saturday, November 23, 2013

My 1 Year Old Mirror

Before I had a child, I would always here people talk about how much they learn from their kids.  As an educator, I somewhat understood this because I truly learned a lot from my middle school and high school students.  But a baby?  A one year old?  I mean how much can one learn from someone who can't even put together a complete sentence?

A lot.

My one year old (he's currently 16 months but I stopped counting by months when he turned 1) he learned to eat on his own.  He can eat with a spoon and a fork and of course his hands.  Its not always clean but its effective.  There are times when he is struggling to get things on a fork or keep things on his plate and I try to help him.  I'm trying to help him because I love him and I have quite the resume', qualifications, and 30 years of experience in eating.  I'm not going to be arrogant and say that I've mastered it, but I'm pretty close.

But of course, my one year old boy is independent and wants to do it all by himself...even though it's not working.  "Noooooo!" he fusses and shakes his hands rapidly as if they are on fire and he is trying to put them out.  

So I go back to watching him struggle and hoping he eventually acknowledges that he needs my help.    Even though I've told him and showed him a better way, he wants to do it his way.

This is where the learning part comes in.

Its not that I have a 1 year old teacher, its just that I have a 1 year old mirror.  The mirror reflects more than just resemblence.  It reflects the heart, attitude, and behaviors as well.  

So I ask myself, do I do that?  Do my parents, mentors, pastors, or other people with experience and qualifications see me struggling and try to help me and I get upset and choose to fuss?  Have people with wisdom told me and showed me a better way but I choose to do it my way?  The answer is absolutely yes.  

As I grow older and hopefully wiser I think I am getting better at asking for help and being open to feedback and advice but I think it is something that I will always have to work toward. I think this desire for independence is engrained and a part of my sinful nature that has been forgiven but can sneak back up if I'm not careful. 

I also get a slight glimpse of how my Heavenly Father must feel as well.  He loves me, cares for me, and wants the best for me and it pains Him to see me struggle.  Yet I try to do it my way until I can't take it anymore.  I try and I fail again and again and when I'm ready to ask for help He is patiently and eagerly waiting to help me and show me a better way.  Most of the time I wait longer than I should, but no matter how long I wait, He is still there and he never says I told you so.

We are all children of God.  Some of us are struggling and still trying to do it our way, fussing when it doesn't work but fussing even more when someone tries to help us.  Speaking from experience, the sooner we give up doing it our way and embrace doing things God's way, the better of we will be.

That's a lot to learn from a 1 year old.  :)

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