Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Contagious...

Do you ever notice that when something doesn't go your way first thing in the morning you typically have a bad day?  And then the people you come into contact with also seem to be having a bad day?  Why is that?

The reason is You are contagious.  Your negative thoughts and actions are contagious.  When you react negatively to a situation it is natural for others to become defensive and begin or continue the negative cycle.  It's like dominoes.

Likewise, do you notice that when you start your day off right you typically have a great day?  And then the people you come into contact with also seem to be having a great day as well?  Why is that?

The reason is You are contagious.  Your positive thoughts and actions are contagious.  When you respond positively to a situation it is natural for others to smile and begin or continue the positive cycle.  It's like dominoes.

How do you start your day off right?  You make the choice to respond positively. 


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