Saturday, February 11, 2012

Go Away!

My Baby Momma :)
As of this week Katy has been with child for 17 weeks.  Either her nausea is improving or she is learning to deal with it better.  Probably a little bit of both.  She is beginning to show in most of her clothes.  The more she begins to show, the more I am beginning to understand the reality of what is about to happen.

We are in the stage of our life where lots of our friends and family are having children.  In fact, within the past year, over 10 of our closest friends and family have had or will have a baby!  That is absurd.  Thankfully, we are able to ask them questions, observe, learn, and figure out how to best enjoy the next 5 months before Baby Bradley makes his/her grand entrance.  Most of the time, without even having to ask, new parents will tell you, "Enjoy your time while you can because once your baby arrives you don't have any more free time for the two of you."  Now I like challenges so I'm all about trying to figure out ways to have free time once our child arrives.  But for now, we are taking their collective advice and enjoying our time together while we can.  

Over the next few months, I have planned a few trips for Katy and I.  They are not outlandish, expensive, fancy, or even long.  The purpose of these trips is to get away, relax, make memories, and simply spend time together.  We are currently in Hot Springs, AR and have barely left our room.  We have been reading, playing games, working a puzzle, talking about our future, listening to parenting podcasts, walking around in nature, exploring downtown, drinking the famous spring water, etc.  Just enjoying our time together.  

Some might think, "I can do all of those things at home.  Why spend the gas and room money?"  Valid question.  I can only answer for us, but when we are at home there is always something else that we can do to keep us from fully enjoying our time together such as laundry, cleaning, home improvement, work, etc.  Although it is possible to relax at home, there is something extra-relaxing about getting away.  It doesn't have to be a beach, a mountain, a major city, or a cruise.  It doesn't have to be expensive (comparatively speaking...we brought our own food, entertainment, and only brought sweats, t-shirts, and hoodies to deter us from going to nice places).  The only requirement is to be away from distractions.  

As I said earlier, the more Katy's "baby bump" begins to show, the more I realize what is about to unfold.  As an expecting father, there isn't much I can do to directly help develop my child at this point.   What I can do is serve Katy by providing opportunities for us to deepen our relationship and strengthen our marriage so that when our world is turned upside down our foundation is extremely solid and we are as prepared as possible.  Husbands, as the leader of your family, purposely save up some money, strategically take a few days off, and make it a priority to get away with your wife to deepen your relationship and strengthen your marriage.

Although we haven't had a baby to be able to officially give the advice to others, after 2 nights I must say that this was an extremely wonderful decision.  Thank you to everyone who gave the advice of enjoying time together as a couple while we still can...or at least while it's easier.  


  1. You stud...I wish I had been that astute with time and money in our early parenting days.You guys rock...keep up the forward thinking!!!!

  2. Congratulations to you both! Having a baby does change everything but it is a great experience and one that will bring you so much closer together as a couple and as a family. Best wishes to both of you and the journey you are about to take together as advice, lots of SD cards for the pictures and memories you will want to capture as your little on grows. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  3. Thanks Poppa Stewart! Doing my best to take care of your lovely Daughter. :)

    Thanks Jessie! I pray that we will grow closer together as a couple and a family like you guys have. We'll stock up on SD cards, too! :)

  4. I always "loved" the new parent advice while we were pregnant. And it is true that there is less free time alone, but I can tell you that the free time alone became more special and intentional. Now when we know we are going to have a date night together, we will look forward to it for weeks, count down the days, pick out a special outfit, etc. Where before Bella, date night was often decided hours before and was "just another night out". Life is definitely different after a baby, but so much richer!

  5. Thanks for the encouraging words Amanda! We are pretty excited about our new edition. We know life will change but we are looking forward to seeing each other in new roles and getting to experience love in a whole new way. Thanks for reading, commenting, and thanks again for the encouragement. wife LOVES your nursery. :) (This is Brett on Katy's computer.)


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