Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Best Parts About Being A Dad

I have been a Dad for 9 months and it has been absolutely amazing!  I have enjoyed it so much more than I could have ever imagined.  Here are a few of my favorite things from the past 9 months with my son Beau Stewart Bradley.

1.  Beau falling asleep on my chest.
2.  Hearing him say Da Da with a big smile.
3.  Seeing Beau learn new things and watching him as he thinks.
4.  Watching Katy teach, love, play with, and sing to Beau.
5.  Hardcore crawling and playing on the floor with him.

6.  His baby giggles, chuckles, and deep belly laughs.
7.  Seeing him smile and get excited when I get home from work or pick him up from "school".
8.  Observing his curiosity and adventurous spirit as he explores everything he can access.
9.  Holding him as we sing at church.
10. Enjoying those few moments of parent victory when Love & Logic or something I read about and try actually works!

These are just a few that come to mind.  There are so many other great things about being a parent of a 9 month old and I know my list will continue to develop as he grows.

What are some of your favorite things about being a parent?

1 comment:

  1. Watching my kids, grandkids and now great-grandkids sleep. When my kids were small, bath time. One of my most favorite was watch that first bite of ice-cream! BTW I am your Mom's cousin.


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