Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Only Thing Harder Than Forgiveness....

The only thing harder than forgiveness is the alternative. 

Read that again.  Think about how true that is.

Forgiving someone can be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do.  The only thing harder than forgiveness is living your life without a friend, parent, sibling, or child that you choose not to forgive.  The only thing harder than forgiveness is carrying hatred, darkness, blame, and painful memories with you everyday of your life. 

"But you don't understand what they did!"  "But you don't understand what I they put me through!"   That is very true.  Unfortunately until you forgive, you are letting them put you through it everyday.  Until you forgive, you are choosing to carry hatred, darkness, blame, and painful memories with you everywhere you go.  Until you forgive, that relationship that you are longing for will never heal.

"How can I forgive when it hurts so much?"
How can you hold on to the pain and broken relationship when it hurts even more?

The only thing harder than forgiveness is the alternative.  Who do you need to forgive?

BTW - This quote is from the book What's So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey. Check it out from your local library.  I believe it will change your perspective.

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